
rule of mirrors

The Real Waffles

Waffles the Dog

I don’t have a dog, but my daughter does, and he’s a rescue named Waffles. Let me tell you about Waffles. Before Waffles came into our life, I was afraid of dogs. Stop me if I’ve explained this before. My fear dated back to my childhood when my family had a golden retriever named Mike the Dog who jumped on me a lot when I was trying to feed him. Dry dog food, wet dog food, water, and a raw egg would spill down my blue school… Continue reading

Up Next: Tucson Festival of Books!

March 12-13, 2016

March 12-13, 2016

I’m heading to Arizona for the Tucson Festival of Books this weekend, and I’m excited to meet many of the writers, readers, and volunteers involved with the event. I’m speaking on a couple of panels with Margaret Peterson Haddix, Rae Carson, Zac Brewer, Carol Goodman, and Sara Raasch, which promises to be very fun, and I’m also hoping to connect up with my friend Cammie McGovern, whom I know from our Brookline days.

The only snag so far is… Continue reading

Dedicated to Alvina, My Sister



When we were girls, my sister Alvina and I shared a bedroom with six mirrors, one over the vanity dresser, and five full-length mirrors on the closets that lined one wall of our room. This wall of mirrors created a huge, perpetual reflection of our daily lives, and I both loved the mirrors and took them for granted. On the opposite wall, we made shadow patterns by the light that shone in from our brothers’ room. In between, we had matching twin beds, islands for jumping.

The mirrors

The Mirrors

Pink… Continue reading

The Blog Tour Wraps Up!

ReadsAllThe Rule of Mirrors Blog Tour wraps up today with a review by Malissa over at Reads All the Books. I love to see how she responded to the way Rosie’s mind ends up in two characters. As she puts it, “it’s so interesting to watch how this one mind reacts to these two vastly different circumstances and how they choose to move forward.” I so hoped the concept would work, and I’m glad it for Malissa. She is running a giveaway, too, so stop on by!… Continue reading

Tour Stops in Twilight, Nook, and Neverland

OnceUponThe Rule of Mirrors Blog Tour has made it to Once Upon A Twilight with a playlist for The Rule of Mirrors, complete with songs I listened to while I was writing and others that go with the theme, characters, and moods of the novel.  Leydy did a fabulous job finding links to play each song, so listening to the sequence is an experience in itself.  I especially like the Joplin, which never sounds as good when I try to play it myself.

ReadingNookJess at The Reading… Continue reading

Cliffhangers: Risky and Fun

BookBriefsThe Rule of Mirrors Blog Tour is zipping along. Michelle invited me to talk a bit about cliffhangers over at Book Briefs, so I had a chance to think about why I like them: they’re risky and fun. I definitely took chances with the end of The Vault of Dreamers, and it set me up for some huge challenges in the sequel. I’m glad now that I did.

FiktshunRachel at Fiktshun has followed the Vault of Dreamers series from beginning, and she has a new review up of… Continue reading