They Match!
For those of us who like things to match in a tidy way, the three paperbacks of the Birthmarked trilogy all have related covers.
And now back to work on Project Next.
Promised in Paperback, Plus Extras

Promised, the paperback, is due out September 3rd, 2013
Next week, the paperback of Promised (Birthmarked 3) comes out, completing the paperback set of the Birthmarked series. I’m curious to line up the three books for the first time and see how they look with matching covers, and I wonder if that will create a sense of completion or closure. So far, I have not felt like Gaia’s world is completely closed, partly because I keep hearing from readers about it, and partly because stray ideas still hit… Continue reading
Der Weg der gefallenen Sterne
The third book in the Birthmarked trilogy, Promised, is being released today, April 1st, in Germany as Der Weg der gefallen Sterne (The Path of the Fallen Star).

Book 3 in Germany comes out April 1, 2013.
Naturally, I’m thrilled about this. Oliver Plaschka has doubtless done a fantastic job with the translation, though regrettably I can’t tell for myself since I know only the most paltry German. (“Wo ist der bus für Igles?”) I find it very cool that Oliver is the… Continue reading
A New Cover for Promised in the UK!
Promised (Birthmarked #3) will be released as an ebook in the UK on Thursday, February 7th, and Simon & Schuster Children’s Books UK has come up with a third cover to complete the series. Isn’t this striking and mysterious? The copy reads: “When the cost of the freedom of others is your own future, would you pay the ultimate price?” Put that way, it sounds heart-wrenchingly difficult. It fascinates me to see what elements are distilled out of a story to be highlighted on… Continue reading
NY Comic Con: Quite the Scene

NY Comic Con 2012
Big crushes of people packed the Javits Center this weekend for NY Comic Con 2012. What did 100,000 people feel like? A lot of fun. Especially since many of the people were dressed in savage, colorful, and sometimes flesh-baring costumes. Our favorite? A little boy came as Bumblebee in a homemade, cardboard, yellow outfit and when he knelt down and curled up, he transformed into a car. Ingenious.

Intrepid volunteers Katie, Rufka, Lainey, Mindy, Chelsea and S.T. join Caragh to… Continue reading
The Story of a Book Trailer (for Promised!)
When my agent suggested I make a book trailer for Promised, I was game. I started asking my writer friends who had made their trailers, and I began watching trailers more critically to see what I liked. I was drawn to the trailers that were short, and those that had voice-overs speaking like a character, not an announcer. I liked trailers that gave a hint of the story without actually explaining it, and I liked the pace to move fast enough, but without getting frantic. … Continue reading