Where I’m Writing From
When asked to write a bio, I feel like I’m impersonating someone important and probably dead. The truth is, I’m a lucky girl who grew up in a loving home, made it through school, married someone great and started my own family. All the stuff about nuns, sandbox spiders, Alateen, my dog dying, volleyball and squash, the bakery, capsizing on Lake Nipigon, physics, singing in Ferrara, childbirth, teaching, my first kiss, and scuba diving slides into the deep background when I sit on my couch, imagining. These days, I’m nudging the first inchoate ideas of Book 3 in the Birthmarked trilogy, and just now I’m writing this bio. Poison ivy itches on my left arm, I’m wearing my dad’s soft blue sweater, it’s raining quietly outside my open window, and when I finish this, I’ll go eat some cereal.
You look very comfy indeed! Love your writing area.
Thanks, Teri. Comfy is what I, slug-like, am all about. I think Billy Collins was on the table that day.
All best,