
vault of dreamers

The Vault of Dreamers Blog Tour, Jean Book Nerd Version

VAULT_OF_DREAMERS_Tour_BannerWhen Jean Vallesteros, AKA Jean Book Nerd, enthusiastically offered to organize a blog tour for me, I was floored. Jean is among the nicest bloggers I know, and we’ve been friends since she welcomed me to her book nerd community a couple years ago. She epitomizes the generous, warm, insightful blogger who brings people together around a passion for reading. In the case of this blog tour, she rallied up thirteen (!) more bloggers and coordinated a great mix of reviews, blog topics, and giveaways. While the blog tour… Continue reading

What’s Your Dream?

dream2I once asked my students what their dreams were for their futures. We were contemplating how the American Dream crosses through different works in American Literature (Gatsby: the green light, Of Mice and Men: rabbits/a farm, Streetcar Named Desire: safety/desire, Frederick Douglass: freedoms), and we realized how central dreaming was to us as individuals, quite aside from specific desires for nice cars, independence from parents, or saving the world. Dreaming lights us up inside and give us something to go for. It helps us feel… Continue reading